Subscales of the Empowerment Scale (Rogers, E.S., Chamberlin, J., Ellison,
M.L., Crean, T., 1997. A consumer-constructed scale to measure empowerment
among users of mental health services. Psychiatr. Serv. 48, 1042-1047) were
examined to see whether they fit a model of consumer empowerment that dist
inguishes self- and community orientations. In addition, the relationship o
f these two superordinate factors to several psychosocial factors was exami
ned. Thirty-five participants in a partial hospitalization program were adm
inistered the Empowerment Scale and measures of quality of life, social sup
port, self-esteem, psychiatric symptoms, needs and resources, global functi
oning, and verbal intelligence. Analysis of the subscales of the Empowermen
t Scale yielded two factors consistent with self- and community orientation
s to empowerment. Correlational analyses revealed that the two superordinat
e factors were associated with different sets of psychosocial variables. A
self-orientation to empowerment was significantly associated with quality o
f life, social support, self-esteem, and psychiatric symptoms. Community or
ientation was correlated with self-esteem, resources, verbal intelligence,
and ethnicity. The implications of these findings for a model of consumer e
mpowerment are discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserve