Background: High levels of burnout and poor psychological well-being, but a
lso relatively high levels of job satisfaction, have been found among menta
l health staff, especially those based in community settings. Aims: In orde
r to investigate the basis of these findings, a qualitative interview study
was carried out, exploring mental health staffs views of their work and of
its effects on them. Method: A semi-structured interview was administered
to a purposive sample of 30 professionals, including junior and senior memb
ers of each profession in both hospital and community settings. Interviews
were transcribed verbatim and analysed using QSR NUD.IST software. Results:
For most professionals, contact with colleagues was one of the major rewar
ds of the job. There was surprisingly little evidence of conflict or diffcu
lties defining roles between disciplines, except for the social workers, fo
r whom difficulty in defining roles in relation to other professions was a
major preoccupation. Reported stresses differed between community and hospi
tal staff. Community staff tended to find their contacts with patients high
ly rewarding, but also to feel burdened by a strong and uncomfortable sense
of being constantly responsible for their clients' well-being and actions.
Ward staff, on the other hand, identified as central difficulties in their
job lack of autonomy, responsibility and scope for developing an independe
nt therapeutic role. They felt demoralised by revolving door' patients and
by violence and the need to restrain patients.