Sixty-four adult survivors of childhood cancer, recruited via Israel's larg
est pediatric cancer treatment center, participated in a multi-dimensional
assessment of long-term adjustment and quality of life in the domains of ed
ucational achievement, employment status, military service, family status,
health, and psychological well-being. Subjects had been diagnosed with canc
er prior to age 18, were three years or more off therapy with no evidence o
f disease, and over 18 years old at the time of the study. Data from struct
ured interviews were compared to responses on similar items from a control
group with no history of serious illness during childhood, matched for age,
sex, and parental education levels. Results indicated an overall pattern o
f integration into the social mainstream, with similar objective levels of
achievement for survivors and controls for most measures of education, empl
oyment, significant relationships, and psychological well-being. Results al
so indicated certain areas of disadvantage, such as military recruitment di
fficulties, lower income levels, and higher rates of workplace rejection. S
ignificantly, almost half of the survivor sample reported subjective feelin
gs that their illness experience had impaired their achievement in several
domains. Quality of life is considered an important outcome parameter in te
rms of clinical decision making as well as in guiding preventive and suppor
tive intervention efforts.