Degradation is an important process that influences pesticide fate in the e
nvironment. In this study, we present a new methodology to evaluate pestici
de degradation under transport conditions using miscible displacement techn
iques. The degradation of alachlor [2-chloro-2',6'-diethyl-N-(methoxmethyl)
acetanilide] in soils amended with alfalfa, manure, or sludge, as well as i
n the unamended soil, was examined with both static incubation and column l
eaching experiments. The first-order degradation rate coefficient in the la
tter experiments was calculated numerically based on both the shape of the
alachlor breakthrough curve (BTC) and the quantity of alachlor residues rem
aining in soil after leaching. Alachlor BTCs were all asymmetric, indicatin
g existence of nonequilibrium sorption during transport. In both experiment
al conditions, degradation rates were most rapid in alfalfa- and manure-ame
nded soils, but were inhibited by sludge amendment. Degradation rate coeffi
cients measured in the column experiments, however, were at least twice as
fast as those measured in the incubation experiments, indicating that noneq
uilibrium transport-favored alachlor degradation. Based on our results and
those reported elsewhere, we conclude that pesticide degradation is transpo
rt-dependent. Thus, degradation rate parameters measured under transport co
nditions, which are more representative of field conditions, may differ sub
stantially from incubation experiments and should be used in modeling for p
rediction purposes.