A study designed to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of agr
ichemical transport to ground,vater was conducted on a 0.81-ha agricultural
corn field near Plains, Georgia. The objectives were to: (1) characterize
vadose zone flow paths of water and agrichemicals under normal climatic and
management conditions and evaluate their spatial and temporal variability;
and (2) relate spatial and temporal transport patterns to geophysical prop
erties of the soil and climatic conditions. Agrichemical transport was asse
ssed over a five-year period from 1989 to 1994 through analysis of collecte
d soil and groundwater samples. A bromide (Br-) tracer was applied at 78 kg
ha(-1) in 1989 and at 105 kg ha(-1) in 1991. Chloride (Cl-) and nitrogen w
ere applied with fertilizer each year except 1994. Soil characterization te
sts indicated a dramatic decrease in the saturated hydraulic conductivity a
ssociated with a large increase in clay content in a zone from 1 to 4 m bel
ow the soil surface. As a result of this soil feature, Br- concentrations i
n the vadose zone below 4 m were normally less than 2 mg kg(-1) throughout
the study. Aquifer chemical concentrations indicated nitrate nitrogen (NO3-
N) and Cl- applied to the soil surface in the spring were transported to t
he groundwater at 9 m by that same fall. Bromide concentrations in ground w
ater peaked at 0.65 mg L-1 while NO3- N concentrations peaked at 6.9 mg L-1
and Cl- at 4.0 mg L-1. Agrichemical transport and variability were control
led by climatic patterns and soil hydraulic characteristics. Transport to g
roundwater increased when precipitation and irrigation volumes in the first
30 days after spring fertilization and planting exceeded twice the normal
precipitation. If large spring thunderstorms occur soon after chemical appl
ication, the likelihood of groundwater contamination by agrichemicals is su
bstantially increased These data provide the means to relate transport of a
grichemicals in and through the vadose zone to geophysical characteristics
and irrigation and precipitation inputs.