The REL/NF-kappa B/I kappa B superfamily of signal transducers and transcri
ption factors are paradigmatic of molecular mechanisms by which rapid respo
nses in the immune system can be achieved. NF-kappa B proteins have been im
plicated in diverse processes such as the ontogeny of the immune system, im
mune responses to pathogens and, importantly, in contributions to the multi
stage processes of oncogenesis, as described in this review. NF-kappa B and
its regulators, the I kappa Bs, are linked to pro- and anti-apoptotic even
ts as well as signaling systems contributing to cellular transformation. Ho
w are these disparate events controlled to effect normal and abnormal proce
sses in cells? Here we explore a few of the many events in which NF-kappa B
appears to participate and processes that integrate signals to control imp
ortant stages of oncogenesis.