The terms 'wiring' and 'volume' transmission (WT and VT) have been introduc
ed to provide a systematic categorization of intercellular communication in
the brain. WT is one-to-one transmission and includes classical synapses,
gap junctions and membrane juxtapositions, whereas VT is a one-to-many tran
smission and includes paracrine and endocrine-like transmissions in the bra
in extracellular space and cerebrospinal fluids. Any brain cell can partici
pate in WT and VT and any kind of substance (e.g. ions, classical transmitt
ers, peptides, neurosteroids) can be a signal in WT and VT. These concepts
are relevant for the pharmacokinetics and actions of neuropsychoactive drug
s. These drugs can be regarded as exogenous VT signals in that they diffuse
in the cerebral extracellular space and are constrained there by the same
factors that influence migration of endogenous VT signals. In addition, neu
ropsychoactive drugs can better mimic and more effectively interact with th
e relatively unconstrained VT-type transmissions than with the rigidly cons
trained WT mechanisms, such as synaptic transmission.