In search of a possible truncation scheme for shell model calculations
, the yrast generalized seniority states are compared with the corresp
onding shell model states for the case of the Sn isotopes Sn104-112. F
or most of the cases the energies agree within a few hundred keV. For
the 0(+)(2(+)) states the overlaps decrease from 97% (93%) in Sn-104 t
o 91% (78%) in Sn-112 when the coefficients of the pairs in the S and
D boson operators are allowed to vary with the number of particles. Fo
r constant pairing coefficients throughout the entire isotope range, t
he overlaps are considerably smaller. It is concluded, with the realis
tic effective interaction applied here, that a truncation scheme based
on seniority zero and two states is inadequate when the number of val
ence particles gets large and that configurations of higher seniority
should be included.