The distribution of B cells in the lymphoid organs of the goat was studied
using a panel of 13 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) developed against differen
t markers for bovine B cells. Samples of mesenteric lymph nodes, jejunal an
d ileal Peyer's patches, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon, caecum and rectum
were taken from four 7-month-old male Murciano-granadina goats using the a
vidin-biotin-peroxidase (ABC) method on frozen sections as described by Hsu
et al. (1981). The mAbs against immunoglobulins (Ig) recognized a large nu
mber of cells, particularly in the light zones of the germinative centres o
f the lymphoid follicles, regardless of the isotype against which they were
directed. However, the greatest numbers of B cells in the germinative cent
res and outer coronas of the lymphoid follicles of the lymph node, spleen a
nd Peyer's patches were recognized by mAbs against the L lambda, chain of I
g and against IgM. This was also the case in other locations where B cells
were abundant, such as the medulla of the lymph node and the dome of the Pe
yer's patches. These mAbs recognized not only B lymphocytes but also plasma
cells, showing an intracytoplasmatic reaction (numerous in the spleen red
pulp and the intestinal lamina propria when mAbs were used against the L la
mbda chain of the Ig, scarce in the intestinal lamina propria when used aga
inst IgM and scarce in spleen red pulp and numerous in the intestinal lamin
a propria when mAbs against IgA were used). The mAbs BAQ44A, GC65 A and GB2
5 A are of interest because, besides marking cells in the B areas where lym
phocytes show surface Ig, they give a positive reaction in areas where ther
e are Igcells (the dark zone of the germinative centre) and do not immunost
ain plasma cells. Thus, these mAbs recognize a surface marker which is not
an Ig.