A child with monosomy for the distal part of the short arm of chromosome 3
(3p25-->pter) and trisomy for the terminal portion of the long arm of chrom
osome 17 (17q23-->qter) is presented. This unbalanced karyotype was derived
from a balanced reciprocal 3p/17q translocation in the phenotypically norm
al mother. Main clinical features in the proband included growth and mental
retardation, hypotonia, hirsutism, micro/brachycephaly, triangular face, s
ynophris, broad and full nose, long philtrum, narrow upper lip, low set, po
steriorly turned ears, anteriorly placed anus and congenital heart defect (
Tetralogy of Fallot). Most of these clinical manifestations have been const
antly reported in previous cases with terminal 3p deletion.