Malnutrition is one of the most important causes of normal growth disruptio
n. Anthropometric methods are highly valuable in clinic pediatric diagnosis
to determine the nutritional status of children and as recovery monitoring
. In previous studies, we have demonstrated taht the standards weight-age,
height-age and weight-height of growing rats had similar distribution to th
ose in normal children. However, to improve the diagnostic effectiveness of
anthropometric information, stadistical analysis to normally and non-norma
lly distributed variables should be applied. One hundred Wistar rats (50 ma
le and 50 female rats) from weaning (day = 25, weight = 35-40 g) to 70 days
of age were fed with a commercial diet. Water and diet were offered "ad li
bitum". Body weight and height were recorded every two or four days, respec
tively. Percentiles of weight vs age, height vs age and weight vs height we
re plotted for male and female rats. The stadistical criterion for classify
ing the anthropometric measurements into nutritional categories was based o
n percentiles cutoff and Z-score. The Z-score was calculated acording to: Z
= (standard mean value-subject value/standard deviation of standard). The
statistical anthropometric categories of growing rats were similar to those
obtained in children. This evidence suggest that the rat can be used as an
experimental model to infer and predict the nutritional response in childr