Combining models and observations, we study the three-dimensional coronal m
agnetic held during a period of extensive coordinated solar observations an
d analysis known as the Whole Sun Month (WSM) campaign (1996 August 10-Sept
ember 8). The two main goals of the WSM campaign are addressed in this pape
r, namely, (1) to use the held configuration to link coronal features obser
ved by coronagraphs and imaging telescopes to solar wind speed variations o
bserved in situ and (2) to study the role of the three-dimensional coronal
magnetic held in coronal force balance. Specifically, we consider how the m
agnetic field connects the two fastest wind streams to the two regions that
have been the main foci of the WSM analysis: the equatorial extension of t
he north coronal hole (known as the Elephant's Trunk) and the axisymmetric
streamer belt region on the opposite side of the Sun. We then quantitativel
y compare the different model predictions of coronal plasma and solar wind
properties with observations and consider the implications for coronal forc
e balance and solar wind acceleration.