Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the cardiovascular system has overc
ome artifacts generated by complex cardiac contraction and respiratory
motion to become an increasingly important and versatile diagnostic t
ool in children with congenital heart disease. Newer software and elec
tronics have enabled acquisition of high-quality diagnostic images in
pediatric patients with a variety of cardiovascular and respiratory ab
normalities. Although the noninvasive imaging of patients with congeni
tal heart defects has relied predominantly on echocardiography, MR ima
ging has a complementary and unique role in eases in which the examina
tion is Limited because of difficulty in achieving an adequate acousti
c window. The precise role of MR imaging in this patient population co
ntinues to be defined, particularly in the context of the increasing u
se and refinement of transesophageal echocardiography. This article hi
ghlights the most widely used MR techniques and the most common clinic
al indications for imaging.