Background: Intermolecular backbone H-bonding (N-H ... O=C) is a common occ
urrence at the interface of protein-protein complexes. For instance, the am
ide NH groups of most residues in the binding loop of eglin c, a potent ser
ine proteinase inhibitor from the leech Hirudo medicinalis, are H-bonded to
the carbonyl groups of residues in the target enzyme molecules such as chy
motrypsin, elastase and subtilisins, We sought to understand the energetic
significance of these highly conserved backbone-backbone H-bonds in the enz
yme-inhibitor complexes,
Results: We synthesized an array of backbone-engineered eater analogs of eg
lin c using native chemical ligation to yield five inhibitor proteins each
containing a single backbone eater bond from P3 to P2' (i.e. -CONH- to -COO
-). The structure at the ligation site (P6-P5) is essentially unaltered as
shown by a high-resolution analysis of the subtilisin-BPN'-eglin c complex.
The free-energy changes (Delta Delta G(NH-->O)) associated with the bindin
g of eater analogs at P3, P1 and P2' with bovine cc-chymotrypsin, subtilisi
n Carlsberg and porcine pancreatic elastase range from 0-4.5 kcal/mol, Most
markedly, the NH-->O substitution at P2 not only stabilizes the inhibitor
but also enhances binding to the enzymes by as much as 500-fold.
Conclusions: Backbone H-bond contributions are context dependent in the enz
yme-eglin c complexes. The interplay of rigidity and adaptability of the bi
nding loop of eglin c seems to play a prominent role in defining the bindin
g action.