A recent emphasis in criminology has been on trajectories, life transitions
, and turning points that affect the escalation stabilization, or desistanc
e of deviant behavior. The purpose of this article is to describe and exami
ne one potential pathway of delinquency escalation in early and mid-adolesc
ence. It draws upon Agnew's general strain theory and research on adolescen
t stress to describe a significant transitory stage of the life course. A k
ey organizing principle underlying the proposed pathway is that although st
ressful life events are highly variable among adolescents, experiencing a p
ersistent or increasing number over time cart lead to an escalation of deli
nquency. Using four years of sequential data from the Family Health Study (
651 adolescents aged 11-14 during year one), we estimate a hierarchical gro
wth-curve model that emphasizes the effects of life events on delinquency.
The model assumes that delinquency is distributed as an overdispersed Poiss
on random variable. The results indicate that experiencing a relatively hig
h number of life events over time is related to a significant "growth" of d
elinquency but that this relationship is not affected by sex, family income
, self-esteem, or mastery.