The authors explored the genetic and environmental underpinnings of individ
ual differences in temperament with a sample of 604 3- to 16-month-old infa
nt twins and their parents. Mothers completed Rothbart's Infant Behavior Qu
estionnaire (IBQ) and a subsample of 140 9-month-old twins participated in
behavioral assessment of temperament in the laboratory as well. For IBQ Smi
ling and Laughter and Duration of Orienting, both additive genetic and shar
ed environmental effects were needed to best represent the data. Shared env
ironmental effects fully accounted for cotwin similarity for IBQ Soothabili
ty, and conversely, additive genetic effects fully accounted for cotwin sim
ilarity for the IBC! Distress to Limitations, Distress to Novelty, and Acti
vity Level scales. With the subsample, the authors fit a multivariate model
to mother report, father report, and lab measures of stranger distress and
found that genetic influences were most important for the covariation amon
g these measures.