Lj. Murray et al., CD109 is expressed on a subpopulation of CD34(+) cells enriched in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, EXP HEMATOL, 27(8), 1999, pp. 1282-1294
CD109 is a monomeric cell surface glycoprotein of 170 kD that is expressed
on endothelial cells, activated but not resting T-lymphocytes, activated bu
t not resting platelets, leukemic megakaryoblasts, and a subpopulation of b
one marrow CD34(+) cells. Observing an apparent association between CD109 e
xpression and the megakaryocyte lineage (MK), we sought to determine whethe
r CD109 was expressed on MK progenitors. In fetal bone marrow (FBM), a rich
source of MK progenitors, CD109 is expressed on a mean of 11% of CD34(+) c
ells. Fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) of FBM CD34(+) cells into
CD109(+) and CD109(-) fractions revealed that the CD34(+)CD109(+) subset co
ntained virtually all assayable MK progenitors, including the colony-formin
g unit-MK (CFU-MK) and the more primitive burst-forming unit-MK (BFU-MK). T
he CD34(+)CD109(+) subset also contained all the assayable burst-forming un
its-erythroid (BFU-E), 90% of the colony-forming units-granulocyte/macropha
ge (CFU-GM), and all of the more primitive mixed lineage colony-forming uni
ts (CFU-mix). In contrast, phenotypic analysis of the CD34(+)CD109(-) cells
in FBM, adult bone marrow (ABM) and cytokine-mobilized peripheral blood (M
PB) demonstrated that this subset comprises lymphoid-committed progenitors,
predominantly of the B-cell lineage. CD109 was expressed on the brightest
CD34(+) cells identifiable not only in FBM, but also in ABM and MPB indicat
ing that the most primitive, candidate hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) might
also be contained in the CD109(+) subset. In long-term marrow cultures of
FBM CD34(+) cells, all assayable cobblestone area forming cell (CAFC) activ
ity was contained within the CD109(+) cell subset. Further phenotypic analy
sis of the CD34(+)CD109(+) fraction in ABM indicated that this subset inclu
ded candidate HSCs that stain poorly with CD38, but express Thy-1 (CD90) an
d AC133 antigens, and efflux the mitochondrial dye Rhodamine 123 (Rho123).
When selected CD34(+) cells were sorted for CD109 expression and Rho123 sta
ining, virtually all CAFC activity was found in the CD109(+) fraction that
stained most poorly with Rho123. CD34(+) cells were also sorted into Thy-1(
+)CD109(+) and Thy-1(-)CD109(+) fractions and virtually all the CAFC activi
ty was found in the Thy1(+)CD109(+) subset. In contrast, the Thy-1(-)CD109(
+) fraction contained most of the short-term colony-forming cell (CFC) acti
vity. CD109, therefore, is an antigen expressed on a subset of CD34(+) cell
s that includes pluripotent HSCs as well as all classes of MK and myeloeryt
hroid progenitors. In combination with Thy-1, CD109 can be used to identify
and separate myelo-erythroid and all classes of MR progenitors from candid
ate HSCs. (C) 1999 International Society for Experimental Hematology. Publi
shed by Elsevier Science Inc.