Researchers often investigate consumer preferences by examining variables c
onsecutively, rather than simultaneously. Conjoint analysis facilitates sim
ultaneous investigation of multiple variables. Cluster analysis facilitates
development of actionable market segments. Our objective was to identify r
elative importance and consumer preferences for flower color, leaf variegat
ion, and price of geraniums (Pelargonium xhortorum L.H. Bail.) and to ident
ify several actionable market segments. We also evaluated the desirability
of a hypothetical blue geranium. Photographic images mere digitized and man
ipulated to produce plants similar in flower area, but varying in flower co
lor (red, lavender, pink, white, and blue), leaf variegation (plain green,
dark green zone, and white zone), and price ($1.39 to $2.79). Conjoint anal
ysis revealed that flower color was the primary consideration in the purcha
se decision, followed by leaf variegation and price. A cluster analysis tha
t excluded blue geraniums yielded four actionable consumer segments. When p
references for the blue geranium were included, six consumer segments were