The KidSat data system provided near real-time access to digital images tak
en from the space shuttle. The images were made available to middle school
students and teachers across the country and overseas through the World Wid
e Web. The KidSat Project was one of the first NASA programs to attempt to
use the web as a means of distributing image data within minutes of the tim
e they were captured in space. After the first hurdle, getting the image da
ta online in a timely manner, was cleared, it became the goal of the data s
ystem to present that data in an understandable context. The development of
the system was a collaborative effort. Members of the data system team con
ferred continually with teachers, students, and other members of the KidSat
Project. Modifications to the data system were made as often as was possib
le, while attempting to avoid confusing the users. The goal was to create a
n online system that presented the KidSat images in a manner that allowed t
he students to better understand and interpret these images. In short, that
goal was reached, but whether the users agreed with this judgment may be d
irectly related to the speed with which they could connect to the Internet,
Many lessons were learned along the may, and strategies for future similar
projects were devised, For the three KidSat missions, over 1500 images wer
e captured and made available on the data system. Additionally, metadata de
scribing the shuttle location and orientation, satellite weather data (capt
ured at or near the time of the KidSat image), and digital maps of the area
directly surrounding the KidSat image were made available. How these vario
us data sets were assembled and how effectively design and operational goal
s were met is discussed in detail.