Purpose: To investigate chromosome domain movements during interphase in st
ationary cell nuclei.
Materials and methods: Contact-inhibited primary human fibroblasts were irr
adiated with 4.0 Gy X-rays, BrdU was added, and air-dried cell preparations
made at intervals up to 48 h. Chromosome 4 domain signals (1, 2 and >2) in
BrdU negative nuclei (almost exclusively G0/G1) were counted using FISH. A
similar experiment was performed using unstimulated human lymphocytes.
Results: A very significant rise in nuclei with >2 signals was found within
Ih after radiation. The frequencies observed were in very good agreement w
ith those expected for simple and complex interchanges involving chromosome
4, scored at metaphase in these materials.
Conclusions: The observations constitute evidence for significant domain mo
vement and re-organization within a short time of radiation exposure in G0/
G1 interphase nuclei, presumably induced by the formation of inter-domain e
xchanges. Such re-organization must be a very complicated and delicate topo
logical problem for relaxed chromatin, and must have an important bearing o
n the interpretation of mechanistic premature chromosome condensation exper
iments performed whilst it is in operation.