Standard treatment for extensive partial-thickness burns in the United Stat
es and in much of the world involves the application of topical antimicrobi
al agents and repetitive wound debridements and dressing changes. We evalua
ted a new biologic wound covering, TransCyte (Advanced Tissue Sciences, La
Jolla, Calif, formerly marketed as Dermagraft-Transitional Covering), for t
he treatment of partial-thickness burns. This material is composed of human
newborn fibroblasts which are then cultured on the nylon mesh of Biobrane
(Dow B. Hickam, Inc, Sugarland, Tex); the thin silicone membrane bonded to
the mesh provides a moisture vapor barrier for the wound. A prospective, ra
ndomized, comparison study of silver sulfadiazine and TransCyte was perform
ed with the use of paired wound sites on 14 patients. Wounds treated with T
ransCyte healed more quickly (mean 11.14 days to 90% epithelialization vs 1
8.14 days, P = .002). A noncomparison evaluation was then done for an addit
ional 18 patients, and it confirmed excellent wound healing and an absence
of infections. There were no infections in the 32 wound sites treated with
TransCyte. In the first study group, late wound evaluations (3, 6, and 12 m
onths postburn) were performed with use of the Vancouver Scar Scale. The re
sults indicated that wound sites treated with TransCyte healed with less hy
pertrophic scarring than sites treated with silver sulfadiazine (P < .001 a
t 3 and 6 months, P = .006 at 12 months).