End-stage renal disease from diabetic nephropathy, mainly due to type II di
abetes, is an increasing problem in Western countries. The pathogenesis of
diabetic nephropathy is still incompletely understood and much of the exper
imental insight has been obtained from insulinopenic animal models, resembl
ing type I diabetes. This review therefore aims to describe available roden
t models of nephropathy associated with type II diabetes. The review focuss
es on the metabolic as well as renal functional and structural changes. The
usefulness of these rodent models to study renal involvement in type II di
abetes is discussed with particular emphasis on confounding factors such as
hyperlipidemia, hypertension, immunologic abnormalities, urogenital struct
ural abnormalities and other associated pathological conditions. In additio
n recent observations on two rat strains, the obese Zucker (fatty) and Goto
Kakizaki (GK) rat, are discussed in detail.