GT1-1 cells exhibit spontaneous action potentials and transient increases i
n intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+](i)) that occur in individual
cells and as spatially propagated intercellular Ca2+ waves. In this study,
simultaneous cell-attached patch-clamp recording of action currents (indica
tive of action potentials) and fluorescence imaging of [Ca2+](i) revealed t
hat Ca2+ transients in GT1-1 cells were preceded by a single action current
or a burst of action currents. Action currents preceded Ca2+ transients in
a similar pattern regardless of whether the: Ca2+ transients were limited
to the individual cell or occurred as part of an intercellular Ca2+ wave. B
oth the action currents and Ca2+ transients were abolished by 1 mu M tetrod
otoxin. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ abolished all spontaneous Ca2+ transi
ents without inhibiting the firing of action currents. Nimodipine. which bl
ocks L-type Ca2+ currents in GT1-1 cells, also abolished all spontaneous Ca
2+ signaling. Delivery of small voltage steps to the patch pipette in the c
ell-attached configuration elicited action currents the latency to firing o
f which decreased with increasing amplitude of the voltage step. These resu
lts indicate that spontaneous intercellular Ca2+ waves are generated by a p
ropagated depolarization, the firing of action potentials in individual cel
ls, and the resulting influx of Ca2+ through L-type Ca2+ channels. These pa
tterns of spontaneous activity may be important in driving the pulsatile re
lease of GnRH from networks of cells.