Eight common eider (Somateria mollissima) ducklings were experimentally inf
ected from 1 lune through 13 June, 1995 with acanthocephalans (Polymorphus
minutus) by allowing the birds to feed on Gammarus spp. (Gammarus oceanicus
, G. salinus, G. zaddachi, and G. lacustris) containing acanthocephalan cys
tacanths. Uninfected Gammarus spp, were fed to a control group of seven duc
klings. No mortality of ducklings occurred during the experiment. However,
the infected ducklings gained weight more slowly than the control birds. Af
ter the 2 wk study period, the mean serum concentrations of total protein,
albumin, beta-globulin, gamma-globulin, fructosamine and creatine kinase we
re lower in the infected group than in the controls. The mean (+/-SE) numbe
r of acanthocephalans in the intestine of the infected ducklings was 21 (+/
-4). The parasites were attached to the mucosa of the posterior small intes
tine of the infected ducklings with a mixed inflammatory reaction consistin
g of heterophils and mononuclear lymphocytes surrounding the attachment sit