Laser surface remelting experiments have been carried out in Fe-12Cr-nC all
oys in order to characterize the effect of growth velocity on the microstru
ctural scale and the mode of solidification. Two types of growth morphologi
es have been observed: cellular/dendritic at a low carbon content and dendr
itic at a high carbon content. The existing band of primary spacings for a
given solidification condition was characterized and confirmed. A recent an
alytical expression by Hunt and Lu for cellular and dendritic structures wa
s compared to the experimentally measured primary arm spacings, and a good
agreement was obtained. Further, the relationship between the primary spaci
ng and the dendrite-tip radius was also determined and compared to the expe
rimental results using a simple geometrical consideration between the dendr
ite-tip radius and the primary spacing. Finally, a theoretical microstructu
ral map was constructed and compared to the experimental results. A good ag
reement between the observed and the calculated phases was obtained.