We show that Salmonella typhimurium harbours two fully functional prophages
, Gifsy-1 and Gifsy-2, that can be induced by standard treatments or, more
effectively, by exposing bacteria to hydrogen peroxide. Curing bacteria for
the Gifsy-2 prophage significantly reduces Salmonella's ability to establi
sh a systemic infection in mice. Cured strains recover their virulence prop
erties upon relysogenization. Phage Gifsy-2 carries the sodC gene for a per
iplasmic [Cu,Zn]-superoxide dismutase previously implicated in the bacteria
l defences against killing by macrophages. The contribution of the Gifsy-1
prophage to virulence - undetectable in the presence of Gifsy-2 as prophage
- becomes significant in cells that lack Gifsy-2 but carry the sodC gene i
ntegrated in the chromosome. This confirms the involvement of Gifsy-2-encod
ed SodC protein in Salmonella pathogenicity and suggests that the Gifsy-1 p
rophage carries one or more additional virulence genes that have a function
al equivalent on the Gifsy-2 genome.