Evidence from several laboratories strongly supports a critical role for an
drogens in the maintenance of the mammalian erectile response. In animal st
udies, androgens appear to act at the end-organ level (i.e., corporal tissu
e and vasculature), as well as in the portions of the nervous system which
mediate erection. Particularly in the rat model, androgens act centrally to
support copulatory behavior and peripherally to maintain the production of
nitric oxide and support the veno-occlusive mechanisms, Other studies sugg
est that alternative, non-NO-dependent, pathways may also be androgen sensi
tive. However, despite this expanding knowledge base about how androgens ac
t in the erectile response in laboratory animals, the recent studies have n
ot greatly clarified the role of androgens in human penile erection. There
does not seem to be a strong cause and effect relation between blood androg
en concentrations and erectile function; even in severely hypogonadal men,
the erectile response is not always lost, and testosterone treatment of hyp
ogonadal men with erectile dysfunction does not necessarily restore lost er
ectile function. In addition, different types of erection (nocturnal, in re
sponse to visual sexual stimulation, in response to sexual partner) may req
uire different degrees of androgenic support.