Describing neuroanatomical circuitry at the systems level requires the use
of databases to collate published descriptions of neuroanatomical data (Bur
ns, D. Phil. Thesis, Physiology Department, Oxford University, 1997; Fellem
an and Van Essen, Cerebral Cortex, 1, 1991, 1-47; Scanell et al., J. Neuros
ci. 15, 1995, 1463-83; Young, Proc. R. Sec. London Ser B, 252, 1993, 13-8).
These data are then analyzed with computational techniques. These methods
do not address the problem that qualitative neuroanatomical descriptions ca
n be interpreted in different ways, and rely on the collator's skill to pro
duce the correct interpretation. I describe a knowledge-base management sys
tem called "NeuroScholar", designed to store multiple interpretations of ne
uroanatomical tract-tracing data in a neuroanatomically consistent framewor
k. I illustrate how this system may be used in conjunction with data-mining
analyses. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.