The general and specific combining ability (GCA and SCA, respectively) amon
g two cytoplasmic male sterile lines (mother) and a set of seven S-4 restor
er lines (father), were estimated in order to study the potential of these
materials in a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) breeding program. Griffing'
s method IV analysis was adapted and used for analysis of the hybrids. Cons
idering the effects of GCA for achene yield and achene oil content, the bes
t parents were CMS HA 302 (line from a north-american population) as mother
and 89V2345)3382 and 89V2345)3311 (lines from population V2000, obtained b
y selection on the population Issanka, carried from France) as fathers in t
he crosses. For achene yield, the non additive gene effects were important
for determining the differences among parents. Taking into account the addi
tive and non additive gene effects the best hybrid combinations were CMS HA
302 x 89V2396)5333 for achene yield and CMS HA 30379NW22 x 89V2345)3382 fo
r oil content and oil yield.