The development of a herd specific mastitis control concept should be based
on the mastitis induced complete economic costs (Sum of output losses and
increased expenditures). The analysis of the cost-benefit-relation of the m
astitis therapy should include information on hygiene management, spectrum
of pathogens, actual mastitis prevalence and cow related criteria. By econo
mic reasons, Str. agalactiae cases should be treated in any erase in contra
st to coliform mastitis cases where an antibiotic treatment seems to be not
justified. In all other cases pros and cons of an antibiotic treatment mus
t be evaluated with respect to herd and cow specific factors but the determ
ining factor should consist in keeping the loss-expenditure frontier. In ad
dition to economic considerations criteria of animal welfare have to be inc
luded in the evaluation of the necessity to use antibiotics for treatment o
f clinical mastitis. This does not mean that under such circumstances in an
y case antibiotics have to be applied.