The objective of this study was to evaluate milk yield, milk: quality and s
urvival of cows after covered feat injury. Injuries were diagnosed and trea
ted using the endoscopy by Medl. Eighty-one cows submitted to the Veterinar
y Clinic Babenhausen were used for this study. Each cow was matched to thre
e herdmates by breed, age and calving date. The herds were visited for data
collection. Data on milk yield and milk quality in the lactation the injur
y was diagnosed and in the subsequent lactation were collected from the rec
ordings of the Bavarian milk control board. In the time period studied cows
treated for covered teat injury had the same test day milk yields and the
same lactational milk yields as herdmates: they were also equal in calving
interval and survival time. Covered teat injuries significantly increased t
est day somatic cell count (SCC) by 128.000 cells/ml milk; they also signif
icantly increased the risk of subclinical mastitis (SCC > 100.000) and the
risk of violating the milk: shipping regulations (SCC > 400.000). With incr
easing SCC milk yield decreased. To the herdsman costs are due to veterinar
y treatment, discarded milk after treatment and decreased milk yield associ
ated with increased SCC. However benefits due to shipped milk, unaffected c
alving interval and unaffected survival outweigh the costs.