This article provides a formal definition for a sensivity measure, d(g)', b
etween two multivariate stimuli. In recent attempts to assess perceptual re
presentations using qualitative tests on response probabilities, the concep
t of a d' between two multidimensional stimuli has played a central role. F
or example, Kadlec and Townsend (1992a, 1992b) proposed several tests based
on multidimensional signal detection theory that allow conclusions concern
ing the perceptual and/or decisional interactions of stimulus dimensions. O
ne proposition, referred to as the diagonal d' test, relies on specific sti
mulus subsets of a feature-complete factorial identification task to infer
perceptual separability. Also, Ashby and Townsend (1986), in a similar mann
er, attempted to relate perceptual independence to dimensional orthogonalit
y in Tanner's (1956) model, which also involves d' between two multivariate
signals. An analysis of the proposed d(g)' reveals shortcomings in the dia
gonal d' test and also demonstrates that the assumptions behind equating pe
rceptual independence to dimensional orthogonality are too weak. This d(g)'
can be related to a common measure of statistical distance, Mahalanobis di
stance, in the special case of equal covariance matrices.