We have previously devised a semiquantitative grading system for hippocampa
l sclerosis (HS) in specimens resected for intractable temporal lobe epilep
sy. The grades range from zero to four based on the amount and distribution
of neuronal loss and gliosis. In the present study hippocampal sections fr
om 25 patients who had temporal lobe epilepsy and had previously been assig
ned a grade were examined with synaptophysin immunohistochemistry, and the
synaptic content in specific hippocampal fields was correlated with the res
ults of the HS grading system. There was evidence of both significant synap
tic loss and increased synaptic density in different fields of the hippocam
pus with increasing HS. A marked decrement of synaptic immunostaining was p
resent in fields CA1 and CA4 that were highly correlated with HS grade. Sec
tor CA4 seemed to respond in a more graded or continuous way to the patholo
gical insults occurring in temporal lobe epilepsy than did CA1, which appea
red to exhibit an all or nothing response. Also, while the width of the out
er part of the molecular layer of the dentate (mld) gyrus decreased with in
creasing HS grade, the inner part of the mid became wider and showed an inc
reased synaptic density so that the overall width of the mid was increased
in the high-grade group. We conclude that quantitative measurement of synap
tic loss in CA1 and CA4 using synaptophysin immunohistochemistry is a sensi
tive method for detecting HS and con-elates well with the empirically deriv
ed HS grading scale, with CA4 exhibiting a more graded response than CA1. I
n addition, a plasticity response in the inner part of the mid in patients
with high-grade HS has been confirmed and quantitated.