A large-scale hydrologic model of macroscale dimension for total daily runo
ff to the Baltic Sea has been developed using 25 subbasins ranging from 210
00 to 144000 km(2). Daily synoptic input was calibrated against monthly rec
orded river flows. Reasonable model results for the water balance were obta
ined while keeping the level of detail to a minimum with a proven conceptua
l modeling approach. Important elements of the modeled water balance are pr
esented for the five main Baltic Sea drainage basins. The model is used for
cooperative research with both meteorological and oceanographic modeling w
ithin the Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX) and the Swedish Regional Climate M
odelling Programme (SWECLIM). It provides off-line analysis for coupled mod
el development and fills a needed role until truly coupled models become av
ailable. Furthermore, the model is suitable for operational applications an
d will be used to extend runoff records, fill in missing data, and perform
quality checks on new observations.