This paper describes PATSy, a distributed, multimedia system designed to be
a repository of patient cases and their test data. PATSy will initially co
nsist of adult aphasia cases, though it can eventually accommodate test dat
a from a variety of neurological and non-neurological adult and child cases
. The genetic aspects of PATSy also allow it to accept test data from vario
us disciplines. Authorized users will have passwords to allow them to acces
s PATSy via the internet. The development of PATSy addresses several challe
nges in research and education. These include archiving data from rare and
unusual cases, limiting loss of data, improving opportunities for data re-u
tilization by other researchers, and forging more direct and transparent li
nks between research and education. Users will have access to raw test data
of patients reported by researchers. Above all, the structure and design o
f PATSy is highly suited to case-based learning, though other methods of te
aching are also accommodated.