The development of B-cells and immunoglobulin-isotype and IgA subclass-posi
tive cells in the lamina propria of the large intestine during infancy was
investigated. Biopsy specimens from 36 infants, taken for diagnostic purpos
es, were available. All samples showed normal morphology. Monoclonal antibo
dies to CD22, IgA, IgA1, IgA2, IgM and IgG and a peroxidase method were use
d to demonstrate positive cells in the cryostat sections. Cell densities we
re counted from a known area. T-cells had been measured in a previous study
using the same specimens. The density of CD22+ cells was already high in i
nfants below the age of 1 month and increased little with age. Four specime
ns from infants below the age of 40 days lacked IgA-, IgA1- and IgA2-positi
ve cells. The densities of these cells increased with age; the correlation
coefficient between the age and the density of the cells was for IgA: R=0.4
7, p=0.04; for IgA1: R=0.57, p=0.001, and for IgA2: R=0.34, p=0.04. The den
sities of IgG- and IgM-positive cells remained unchanged with age. The nega
tive correlation between density of IgG+cells and CD8+ cells in the lamina
propria (R=- 0.43, p=0.01) was significant. Strong local stimulation result
s in early accumulation of CD22+, IgM+ and IgG+ cells in the large intestin
e, but little change takes place after the first few days of life. The term
inal differentiation to IgA-positive cells is slowest, and this population
showed significant developmental change.