The present study was undertaken to clarify a prokinetic activity of nizati
dine (CAS 76963-41-2) during the digestive state as well as gastric emptyin
g of a solid test meal in comparison with cimetidine (CAS 51481-61-9), famo
tidine(CAS 76842-35-6) and cisapride (CAS 81098-60-4). Intravenous administ
ration of nizatidine (0.3-3 mg/kg) enhanced the motility of the gastric ant
rum and duodenum during the digestive state. With cimetidine (1-10 mg/kg) a
nd famotidine (0.1-1 mg/kg) enhancement of gastric motility was observed on
ly with the highest dose of cimetidine, and famotidine had no effect. Marke
d enhancement of gastric motility was observed with cisapride (0.1-0.5 mg/k
g). After intraduodenal administration of nizatidine (10 and 20 mg/kg) and
cisapride (0.25 and 0-5 mg/kg), they also amplified the contractile activit
y of the gastric antrum. Gastric emptying of a solid test meal was accelera
ted by intraperitoneal administration of nizatidine (1-10 mg/kg) to the sam
e extent as cisapride (0.1 1 mg/kg). In addition, even in a model of delaye
d gastric emptying induced by clonidine, nizatidine, like cisapride, improv
ed the rate of gastric emptying. Neither cimetidine (3-30 mg/kg) nor famoti
dine (0.3-3 mg/kg) affected the gastric emptying of a solid meal or delayed
, gastric emptying. These results suggest that nizatidine enhanced gastric
motility even during the digestive state, and accelerated gastric emptying
of a solid meal, similar to cisapride. Furthermore, nizatidine improved clo
nidine-induced delayed gastric emptying. These prokinetic activities of niz
atidine may by useful for the treatment of abdominal symptoms due to dysmot
ility and delayed gastric emptying in patients with gastritis and non-ulcer
dyspepsia. (NUD). In comparison with famotidine and cimetidine, nizatidine
may be different from other histamine H-2-receptor antagonists and has uni
que properties other than its gastric antisecretory activity.