A lack of uniformity in the distribution of vitamin C and other fortificant
s in the Title II commodity corn-soy blend (CSB) among processors previousl
y was found in a U.S. Agency for International Development-sponsored vitami
n C pilot program. Factors influencing fortificant distribution may include
stratification in cyclones if the product is moved by air, due to signific
ant differences in particle sizes among some blend ingredients and added fo
rtificants. Determination of variation in particle size, composition, and o
ther properties of CSB between and among processors is essential to ensure
a consistent, high-quality food product for overseas distribution. Signific
ant (P < 0.05) variations in the gross composition, selected micronutrient
levels, and physical properties of samples, both between lots from the same
processor and among different processors, were observed. Particle size ana
lyses indicated a bimodal distribution that probably contributes to the non
uniform distribution of micronutrients.