An accurate evaluation of the functions of the human brain during the admin
istration of drugs is one of the most complex tasks in medical science. In
the case of H-1 antihistamines, there are many biases that can explain why
the interpretation of pharmacological data and those from clinical studies
can be very difficult. First of all, the allergic disease itself may modify
central nervous system (CNS) functioning and effective medical treatment m
ay accordingly influence the self-reported CNS sensations of patients. More
over, the carefully selected populations that are enrolled both in pharmaco
logical and clinical studies do not reflect the profile of patients who are
trreated with such drugs on an everyday basis. Finally, studies of perform
ance impairment and those relying on self-reported sensations may give diff
erent and indeed conflicting results. It may be concluded that the various
pronouncements on the CNS properties of H1 antihistamines must be treated w
ith some caution.