Craniofrontonasal dysplasia (CFND) is a rare X-linked disorder that maps to
a 13-cM region on Xp22. Phenotypic features include craniosynostosis, hype
rtelorism and a broad nasal root with or without a bifid nasal tip. Multipl
e examples have been reported of males having a less severe phenotype than
females. We report haplotype analyses in two CFND families over the critica
l region to which the gene has been mapped. In pedigree 1, a clinically una
ffected male inherited the affected marker haplotype spanning the critical
region. We suggest that this individual does have the CFND mutation, but ha
s an extremely mild phenotype that is not detectable with clinical examinat
ion. Under the assumption that he is an unknown phenotype, a combined two-p
oint LOD score of 1.68 at zero recombination was obtained, increasing the p
reviously reported total to 5.61 (DXS8022). The data do not narrow down the
critical region. This result stresses the importance of subjecting fathers
of apparently sporadic cases to a highly critical medical examination and
may also explain the unequal ratio of reported female-to-male cases.