A survey of University of Montana faculty (N = 147; 50 women, 97 men) was c
onducted in Spring 1997 to develop a snapshot of perceptions of ethical and
unethical conduct on a university campus. A portrait of the ethical profes
sor was developed by analysis of percentage ratings of 64 items. Chi-square
tests were used to distinguish gender differences and differences between
faculty members who identified ethics as a teaching area versus those who d
id not. Respondents agreed on basic characteristics of the ethical professo
r as one who exhibits equity and fairness, does not ignore evidence of chea
ting, and does not misuse power. Professors who identified themselves as te
aching an ethics course differed significantly from the rest of the profess
or sample on 7 of the 64 survey items. Female professors differed significa
ntly from male professors on 3 items.