Mood disorders are characterized by manic and depressive episodes alternati
ng with normal mood. While social function is heavily impaired during episo
des of illness, there are conflicting opinions about inter-episode function
. The present paper focuses on self-esteem and social adjustment in remitte
d mood disorders patients.
Patients with mood disorders (99 bipolar and 86 major depressive subjects,
in remission) were compared with a group of 100 control subjects. The self-
esteem scale (SES) and the social adjustment scale (SAS) were used to measu
re self-esteem and social adjustment, respectively, in both groups of subje
Patients with mood disorder exhibited worse social adjustment and lower sel
f-esteem than control subjects, These results strongly confirm previous obs
ervations of poor inter-episode function in patients with mood disorder. (C
) 1999 Elsevier, Paris.