In this study, a hybrid GIS-supported watershed modelling system is develop
ed for integrated planning of water pollution control in the Lake Erhai bas
in, China. The system comprises a GIS-supported database, simulation/optimi
zation models, and user interfaces developed through Arc/Info and ArcView.
An inexact-fuzzy multi-objective optimization model is developed for assess
ing a variety of system objectives and generating desired decision alternat
ives. It can effectively reflect uncertain, interactive and multi-objective
features of the study system, and its solutions provide decision makers wi
th a flexible decision space. The GIS technology is used for managing spati
al and non-spatial data, linking models, and providing interfaces between t
he models and their users. The developed modelling system allows regional p
lanners to obtain desired plans of human activities under a variety of obje
ctives and constraints and to examine consequences and impacts resulting fr
om alternative management practices.