We have developed a new program, SUPERPOSE, to superpose two molecules base
d on the physicochemical properties of functional atoms within individual m
olecules. SUPERPOSE treats a pseudo-molecule consisting of functional atoms
instead of a real molecule. Four types of physicochemical properties - hyd
rophobicity, presence of a hydrogen-bonding donor, presence of a hydrogen-b
onding acceptor and presence of a hydrogen-bonding donor/acceptor - were su
pposed and a score was given to each overlap. When functional atoms with th
e same physicochemical properties were overlapped, points were added to the
score, and when the functional atoms with different physicochemical proper
ties were overlapped, points were subtracted. We applied SUPERPOSE to 12 pa
irs of 24 enzyme inhibitors and found that the best scored overlay for each
inhibitor pair could successfully reproduce the superposition obtained fro
m X-ray crystallography. Next, we applied SUPERPOSE to estimate the active
conformations of the thrombin inhibitors MQPA, 4-TAPAP and NAPAP. Superposi
tions of conformers sampled by the high-temperature molecular dynamics calc
ulation with respect to the three inhibitors were performed, and 13 sets of
conformers having the best common overlay to the three inhibitors were sel
ected. One among 13 sets was consistent with the superposition of the activ
e conformations derived from the X-ray crystallography of the thrombin-inhi
bitor complexes.