Study objective-To investigate the relation between the prevalence of asthm
a symptoms in adults and deprivation in the area of residence.
Design-Two complementary surveys carried out between 1991-1993 yielding adu
lt asthma symptom prevalence throughout New Zealand. Deprivation is measure
d by the NZDep91 index of deprivation for small areas.
Setting-New Zealand.
Participants-A random sample of 25 042 adults aged 20-50 years.
Main results-After controlling for possible confounding by age, gender, and
ethnicity, the 12 month period prevalence rates of asthma in this represen
tative sample of New Zealand adults are significantly higher in the three m
ost deprived area categories than in the least deprived (tenth) category. T
he prevalence ratio for the most deprived category compared with the least
deprived category is 1.29 with 95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.14, 1.47. Th
ere is a Linear increase in asthma prevalence with increasing area deprivat
ion (chi(1)(2) = 32.20, p < 0.001). Independently, the rates are also 1.41
(95% CI 1.29, 1.54) times higher among Maori and 1.29 (95% CI 1.10, 1.52) t
imes higher among the Pacific Island group than among the remaining, mostly
European, respondents.
Conclusions-The relation between asthma in adults and area deprivation is u
nlikely to be attributable to study biases or confounding. Further work sho
uld examine the possible role of modifiable deprivation factors in this rel