The ultraviolet spectral irradiance has been measured in the Alps in Brianc
on (altitude 1300 m asl) in July 1996 and March 1997, with the spectroradio
meter of the University of Lille. The erythemal dose rate has been measured
simultaneously with a broadband instrument. The aerosol optical depth, nec
essary as input for modeling, was measured with a Sun photometer. On cloudy
days, irradiance is highly variable, with values exceeding those of clear
days when the direct solar beam is not obstructed by clouds. For clear days
, measured values are compared with the results of a radiative transfer mod
el, and the influence of altitude and ground surface reflectance is analyze
d. For the same solar zenith angle, irradiance in UVA is 8-10% higher in Br
iancon than in Brussels, half of the difference being due to the higher alt
itude of Briancon. Comparison of winter and summer values shows an amplific
ation of similar to 10-15% in winter owing to the snow reflectance; it can
be explained by an effective reflectance of 0.3-0.4.