This 63-year-old man presented with complaints of "having a feeling of fall
ing backward" over a 3-month period. Results of his general physical examin
ation, laboratory studies, and neurological examination were unremarkable.
A magnetic resonance image revealed a 1.8 X 1.4 X 1.2-cm enhancing mass in
the posterior third ventricle just above the corpora quadrigemina. The pine
al gland was found to be diffusely enlarged at operation and separable from
the posterior thalamus and was totally resected. The patient had an uneven
tful postoperative course but continues to be somewhat confused. The lesion
consisted of a remarkable chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate permeating
the pineal lobules and was composed of T and B lymphocytes, macrophages, eo
sinophils, and mast cells. Immunoperoxidase studies did not demonstrate Lan
gerhans cells, and a search for microoganisms was unrevealing. There was no
evidence of neoplasia; results of immunostaining for germ cell markers and
other tumor-associated antigens were negative.