Treatment of Charcot's joints remains difficult, and involves prolonged per
iods without weightbearing, immobilization, and surgical salvage procedures
to avoid amputation. We describe the efficacy of pamidronate in treating a
patient with Charcot's joint, due to hereditary sensory neuropathy, that c
aused loss of pain sensation. The bone and joint destruction in our patient
's left foot was stopped by bisphosphonate treatment, and signs of a recons
tructive healing process were observed on the control radiographs, The trea
tment was administered intravenously every 4 months for 2 years, without re
striction on weightbearing, since the patient had refused a plaster cast an
d an orthotic device. This observation suggests that treatment with bisphos
phonates should be used before, or in combination with, other treatment in
such cases.