Profiles of the sources of nonmethane organic compounds (NMOCs) were develo
ped for emissions from vehicles, petroleum fuels (gasoline, liquefied petro
leum gas [LPG], and natural gas), a petroleum refinery, a smelter and a cas
t iron factory in Cairo, Egypt. More than 100 hydrocarbons and oxygenated h
ydrocarbons were tentatively identified and quantified. Gasoline-vapor and
whole-gasoline profiles could be distinguished from the other profiles by h
igh concentrations of the C-5 and C-6 saturated hydrocarbons. The vehicle e
mission profile was similar to the whole-gasoline profile, with the excepti
on of the unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, which were present at high
er concentrations in the vehicle emission profile. High levels of the C-2-C
-4 saturated hydrocarbons, particularly n-butane, were characteristic featu
res of the petroleum refinery emissions. The smelter and cast iron factory
emissions were similar to the refinery emissions; however, the levels of be
nzene and toluene were greater in the former two sources. The LPG and natur
al gas emissions contained high concentrations of n-butane and ethane, resp
ectively. The NMOC source profiles for Cairo were distinctly different from
profiles for U.S. sources, indicating that NMOC source profiles are sensit
ive to the particular composition of petroleum fuels that are used in a loc