The analytic center cutting plane (ACCPM) methods aims to solve nondifferen
tiable convex problems. The technique consists of building an increasingly
refined polyhedral approximation of the solution set. The linear inequaliti
es that define the approximation are generated by an oracle as hyperplanes
separating a query point from the solution set. In ACCPM, the query point i
s the analytic center, or an approximation of it, for the current polyhedra
l relaxation. A primal projective algorithm is used to recover feasibility
and then centrality.
In this paper we show that the cut doe's not need to go through the query p
oint: it can be deep or shallow. The primal framework leads to a simple ana
lysis of the potential variation, which shows that the inequality needed fo
r convergence of the algorithm is in fact attained at the first iterate of
the feasibility step.